Make a Donation
NNJLS is a private non-profit organization that depends on private and public support. Please help Northeast New Jersey Legal Services in its mission to provide comprehensive, high-quality free legal assistance to low-income residents of Bergen, Hudson and Passaic Counties. We gratefully accept donations so that our attorneys and support staff can ensure that access to justice for eligible residents - including senior citizens, the disabled, immigrants, and many others - is available regardless of a person's ability to hire a private attorney. If you would like more information, please don't hesitate to contact us at NNJLS@LSNJ.ORG.
Your gift to NNJLS, in any amount, will be used wisely and efficiently to provide low-income and underserved individuals and families with free legal assistance. Simply use the Donate button above to make your secure donation through PayPal. Or, mail your check/money order payable to Northeast New Jersey Legal Services to:
Monthly Giving is a great way to budget your charitable giving throughout the year while providing NNJLS with a reliable stream of revenue to help support its work. Click the Donate button above and select "Make This Recurring" to pledge a recurring monthly gift of $10, $50, or any amount that fits your budget. Your credit card will be charged automatically each month, and you may unenroll at any time.
Honor your family member, friend, or colleague by making a gift in his/her name to Northeast New Jersey Legal Services. Your kind gesture will be promptly acknowledged to the individual(s) you designate. Indicate your honoree in the notes field while making your secure online donation, or email us at to make arrangements.
The president of the Public Welfare Foundation, Mary McClymont, recently penned a column for the Chronicle of Philanthropy in which she discussed the critical importance of civil legal services and urged grantmakers to get involved. "Philanthropy," she wrote, "can benefit by embracing civil legal aid as part of its tool kit to advance housing, education, economic security, and other causes central to fairness and prosperity in our nation." Grantmakers interested in learning more about NNJLS and its impact in Bergen, Hudson, and Passaic Counties are encouraged to contact us at or (201) 792-6363 ext. 3255.
Your gift to Northeast New Jersey Legal Services is deductible as a charitable contribution for federal income tax purposes.